by Miguel Ángel Moratinos | Apr 7, 2023 | Blog, English
The US-led military intervention in Iraq in March 2003 was unjustified, illegal, and devastating. Judging from the consequences, the Iraq war was one of the gravest geopolitical mistakes of all time. The US-led “Coalition of the Willing” carried out “Operation Iraqi...
by Miguel Ángel Moratinos | May 31, 2022 | English
A few days ago, once again, 19 children and two teachers were shot dead in their school in the United States. The entire international community has anew unanimously condemned this act of irrational barbarism. The debate on access to guns in the United States in the...
by Miguel Ángel Moratinos | May 31, 2022 | Spanish
Hace unos días, de nuevo, 19 niños y dos profesoras murieron tiroteados en su escuela en Estados Unidos. Este acto de barbarie irracional ha vuelto a recibir la condena unánime de toda la comunidad internacional. El debate del acceso a las armas en Estados Unidos...
by Miguel Ángel Moratinos | Mar 10, 2022 | English
Europe and the West must avoid the temptation to impose the so-called ‘Western civilization’ on the rest of the world There was a widespread feeling that the 21st century would not see traditional conflicts and wars. We naively thought that this century...
by Miguel Ángel Moratinos | Mar 10, 2022 | Spanish
Europa y Occidente deben evitar caer en la tentación de querer imponer la denominada ‘civilización occidental’ al resto del mundo Existía un sentimiento generalizado de que el siglo XXI no sería testigo de conflictos y guerras de carácter tradicional....
by Miguel Ángel Moratinos | Oct 25, 2021 | English
“Basta ya: Enough is enough”: this cry went viral in Spain in the 1990s and 2000s to confront the barbarity of ETA terrorism. Today we should recover it to stop the odious and condemnable wave of terrorist attacks perpetrated in religious sites. In March...