Auschwitz: Humanity’s Hell

Auschwitz: Humanity’s Hell

It was as if Mother Nature had conspired to make the weather suitably cold, gloomy and unpleasant on 23 January – the day I made my first visit to Auschwitz. The sombre conditions were an apt backdrop for my tour through the camp set up by the German Nazis during the...

The Return of Civilizations

I was pleasantly surprised when visiting the new Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi, magnificently designed, and created by the great French architect Jean Nouvel to prove the creative force of the world’s diverse civilizations. All of them are represented in this imaginative...

The Iraq War, 20 years on

The US-led military intervention in Iraq in March 2003 was unjustified, illegal, and devastating. Judging from the consequences, the Iraq war was one of the gravest geopolitical mistakes of all time. The US-led “Coalition of the Willing” carried out “Operation Iraqi...