
A blog by
Miguel Ángel Moratinos

High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos is the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). In this blog, he regularly shares his vision for the work of UNAOC, as well as his thoughts, ideas, and observations about current global events.

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La riqueza de la diversidad: África ha ganado la Eurocopa 2024

La riqueza de la diversidad: África ha ganado la Eurocopa 2024

La universalidad del deporte se ha demostrado por su capacidad para trascender fronteras, romper estereotipos y unir a las personas. El Campeonato Europeo de la UEFA, comúnmente conocido como la Eurocopa, es uno de los torneos de fútbol más populares a nivel mundial,...

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We are one humanity

Covid-19 confronts all of us with numerous contradictions and how to solve them will determine the direction of the post-Covid 19 world. We live in one of those times that mark a turning point in the history of humanity. If 9/11 changed the global geopolitical balance and security parameters, there is no doubt that Covid-19 will change the way we…

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Somos una sola humanidad

La crisis del Covid-19 puede analizarse desde diferentes puntos de vista, pero lo que nadie puede poner ya en duda es que somos una sola humanidad. El virus ha viajado por todos lo rincones del mundo, nadie va a quedar exento, y aunque exista la contradicción y el...

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For Safe and Peaceful Worship

We hope that the acceptance of the “Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites” will trigger a positive awareness about the right to safeguard religious places and the safety of worships. Humanity should react to allow everyone to exert their right to pray in a peaceful and secure environment.

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Una sola humanidad

Existe una rotunda unanimidad en defender con entusiasmo y determinación toda la nueva agenda de sostenibilidad. Hay una tarea ineludible: salvar el planeta. No hay alternativa, no hay plan B, la mayoría de la opinión publica internacional se moviliza y quiere conjurarse en favor de preservar nuestra casa común.

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The Return of Hate

The return of hate in recent times is a cause of concern. Animosity, confrontation, revolts, incitement to violence, have always been unfortunately part of human history. Each community tried to shield itself from the ‘other’, from the unknown, the ‘barbarian’, the...

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El retorno del odio

Vivimos con gran preocupación como los últimos tiempos son testigo de un retorno del odio. La enemistad, la confrontación, la revuelta, la incitación a la violencia, siempre han estado desgraciadamente presentes durante toda la historia de la humanidad. Cada comunidad...

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A blog by Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos


Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos is the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). In this blog, he regularly shares his vision for the work of UNAOC, as well as his thoughts, ideas, and observations about current global events.